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CS Edelstahl

Christoph Schroer, owner of CS Edelstahl, has fulfilled his long-cherished wish and turned his hobby into a profession. The range of services offered by the one-man business mainly includes custom-made products such as decorative elements, brackets and furniture up to prototypes. In our example we give some insights into the workshop. Schroer has been relying on the quality of Siegmund products since 2014.

The system 16 welding table shown has been in daily use since then and enables fast and precise work. For owner Schroer, however, the welding table is more than just a working basis: “Since I am always alone in the workshop, the table often is a helping hand to me. With it I can implement projects that would otherwise not be possible at all or only with great effort.”


Stainless steel processing


Haltern am See (DE)


Welding Table – System 16

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