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Terms of use

for the download service of CAD data

Usage restriction

The Bernd Siegmund GmbH provides CAD data online for its customers, so that they can integrate the
data into their current projects. All rights to trademarks, brands, patents, drawings and models remain reserved to Bernd Siegmund GmbH. Passing it on to third parties is not permitted.


These CAD drawings and models are created with great care and the information is checked for accuracy. However, no liability can be accepted for any incorrect or incomplete information.


Due to the constant further development of the products, changes in the product range and product design are reserved. Bernd Siegmund GmbH reserves the right to make adjustments, technical changes or deletions at any time.

Data storage

When the CAD data is downloaded a log is created. The data may be used by Bernd Siegmund GmbH for customer service. A transfer to other companies is excluded.

In addition, the general terms and conditions of Bernd Siegmund GmbH apply.