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Bernd Siegmund GmbH –
World market leader in the field of welding tables

More than 30 years ago, company founder Bernd Siegmund created a group of companies that is now active worldwide through constant innovations and product developments. As an owner-managed family business and the world's number 1 when it comes to welding tables, we are globally positioned with five locations across Europe and a sales network in over 60 countries.

Our products stand for maximum functionality and exclusive design and are used in almost all industries. In addition to machine, plant, metal and vehicle construction, they are particularly popular in prototype construction and series production with and without robot connection. The welding and clamping table systems are based on a well thought-out and flexible modular system. In combination with our large variety of accessories, we offer a simple and time-saving solution for every challenge.

The enthusiasm of our customers encourages us to new developments and innovative solution concepts. Our aim is to stick to this vision and to constantly develop ourselves and our products. We are able to do this with the help of our employees, who are committed to the company every day with heart, mind and energy.

With innovative strength, determination and the consistent pursuit of our visions, we not only want to maintain our success and our world market leadership, but continue to expand it.

The most important locations for welding table and accessory production

The Siegmund Group has around 75000 square meters of office, production and storage space available on a total of 160000 square meters of land.

Oberottmarshausen (D)

Approx. 2000-5000 welding and clamping tables and approx. 1 million accessories are stored on 18000 square meters of hall space.

Deggingen (D)

Mechanical production of welding tables, castings and aluminum profiles.

Skawina (PL)

Production of welded parts and welding tables.

Lublin (PL)

Production of welding tables and accessories.

We are a global supplier

Thanks to our worldwide sales network, there is also a qualified contact person in your area who will work with you – and in a personal consultation – to develop tailor-made solutions in your national language. Our various media are now also available in more than 36 languages.

Every day craftsmen and industrial enterprises are relying on the steadiness of Siegmund welding tables, in more than 60 countries.

We take responsibility

As a family business our main concern is taking responsibility for the welfare of our staff. By taking measures like creating an appropriate infrastructure, as well as a diverse selection of training opportunities, we are investing in the framework of our own success. Especially the consistent designation of trainee positions for young people is very dear to us.

Closely linked to climate- and environmental protection is the issue of energy. We have been making an active contribution by utilizing energy more efficiently within our facilities to reduce emissions. As a result we have decided to use a hardening process that is strictly based on the application of hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, the main ingredients of air and water. In addition our warehouses and buildings are heated by thermal discharge.

At our headquarters in Oberottmarshausen we use one of the cleanest sources of energy altogether: the immeasurable energy of the sun. Our photovoltaic installation generates more energy than we consume. It is not just the climate and the environment that benefit from our commitment. When we pay attention to our energy footprint, we also have an economical advantage as well.

Strong partner in sports

Siegmund is actively engaged in sports sponsorship and supports various well-known clubs. Among these are FC Bayern Munich Basketball, where the partnership has already shone in its early years with cup victories and a contribution to the German national basketball team’s World Cup title. FC Augsburg, one of the leading football clubs in the region, has been sporting the Siegmund logo on their shirt sleeve since 2018. Additionally, Siegmund is an advertising partner of the ice hockey team "Augsburger Panther," known for their long-standing tradition in professional ice hockey.