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Turun Teräskaluste Oy

Since 1946 Turun Teräskaluste Oy (TUTEKA) has been designing and executing demanding manufacturing projects for maritime industry and on land constructions. For three generations the company has aimed at exceeding their customers’ expectations on every project.

Efficient and precise production of high-quality custom interiors for cruise liners requires a great deal of expertise and in-depth experience. The photos depict production of cruise ship design furnishings.

With Siegmund welding tables even very demanding objects can be constructed quickly and accurately. “The Siegmund welding tables are an integral part of our design and manufacturing process. They make working with even the most difficult shapes easier, faster and more accurate.” - Aleksi Kiviniemi, M.Sc. (Eng.), CEO Turun Teräskaluste Oy (TUTEKA)




Turku (FI)


Welding Table – System 28

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