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West Coast Customs

Since 1993 West Coast Customs (known from various TV shows) creates customized cars in Southern California with a focus on complete upgrades inside and out.

Ryan Friedlinghaus, CEO of West Coast Customs: “One of the biggest things we’re up against always is timelines, and to build things fast but to still make them perfect, you got to use the best tools. So when we go upstairs and we’re designing something in CAD and we bring it down here into the fab shop into the real life, we plug in all these pieces and all the measurement stay precise. So not only does this table help us to speed up the fabrication time, it also helps to keep our measurements dead-on. The cool thing about this table is whether you’re building a full car it can withhold its weight or if you’re doing composites on it we can fabricate on there as well. So honestly in the shop this is really the focal point of our fabrication shop because it stops right here at this table.”


Vehicle construction


Corona (USA)


Welding Table – System 28

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