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Inox Ajanović

INOX Ajanović, founded in 2000, the industry leader of stainless steel processing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, produces industrial equipment, products for indoor and outdoor as well as yacht parts for a wide variety of industries.

The company works on around 50 Siegmund welding tables in various sizes and systems every day. In the series of pictures we show the production of a table frame. Managing director Mujkanović of INOX Ajanović about Siegmund: „Since we produce a wide variety of products every day, our table setup changes constantly. Siegmund products are versatile enough to meet those changes fast and effortlessly. With Siegmund tools and tables, we can reproduce the same result every time, which makes serial production faster and more precise.“


Stainless steel processing


Tešanj (BIH)


Welding Table – System 16

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