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Our materials

We offer a selection of welding tables made from various materials: from steel to tool steel, with and without plasma nitriding, to stainless steel. For particularly high demands, we provide our tool steels X8.7 and X8.8, which are exclusively available from us.

These tool steels are characterized by an exceptionally high base hardness, which is crucial for the high impact resistance and long lifespan of a welding table.

Additionally, our surfaces are refined through plasma nitriding and a BAR coating. This innovative treatment increases surface hardness and provides effective protection against scratches, corrosion, and the adhesion of weld spatter. The unique combination of high base hardness and surface finishing results in an exceptionally wear-resistant and durable surface that performs even under the most demanding conditions.

With our material selection and processing, we set new standards in quality and longevity.

  • BAR-Coating
  • Iron nitride
  • Transient region
  • Base material

Through-hardened tool steel X8.8

  • Professional Extreme 8.8
  • Basic hardness: approx. 360 – 420 Vickers
  • Surface hardness after plasma nitriding: approx. 500 – 900 Vickers
  • Significantly harder and more resistant than conventional steel
  • Extraordinarily high basic hardness

Through-hardened tool steel X8.7

  • Professional Extreme 8.7
  • Basic hardness: approx. 280 – 340 Vickers
  • Surface hardness after plasma nitriding: approx. 450 – 850 Vickers
  • Significantly harder and more resistant than conventional steel

premium steel S355J2+N

  • Professional 750
  • Basic hardness: approx. 165 – 220 Vickers
  • Surface hardness after plasma nitriding: approx. 450 – 750 Vickers

premium stainless steel X5CrNi18-10 (V2A)

  • Basic hardness: approx. 266 – 382 Vickers
  • for stainless steel processing
  • Corrosion resistant

    Materials in comparison

    With our evaluation, we would like to make it easier for you to compare the different materials and to support you in selecting the right welding table.

    Steel S355J2+N

    Steel S355J2+N +
    Plasma nitration

    Tool Steel X8.7 +
    Plasma nitration

    Tool Steel X8.8 +
    Plasma nitration

    Basic hardness
    Surface hardness









    Protection against weld spatter


    Corrosion resistance


    Point load




    Flatness in its new state




    Maintenance of the flatness under heavy use



    Life span




    Plasma nitration

    Proven surface finish

    Siegmund's plasma nitriding is a proven surface treatment for our welding tables. The thermochemical process leads to surfaces that are more wear-free, corrosion-resistant and durable. Welding spatter adheres significantly less to a table with plasma nitriding than to welding tables without plasma nitriding. As a result, the surface evenness is better preserved even after years. Due to the significant increase in service life and the increased resilience of the welding tables by around 20-30%, plasma nitriding is always worthwhile.

    What is plasma nitration?

    Plasma nitriding is a thermochemical diffusion process for surface layer hardening. The surface layer of a workpiece or component is enriched with nitrogen, which forms a wear and corrosion protection layer on the component surface and in the area close to the surface. The manufacturing process takes place under vacuum at around 500 degrees Celsius. In conjunction with additional production steps, we achieve a nearly distortion-free product.
    Plasma nitriding is one of the most environmentally friendly hardening processes because only nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen are required for the hardening process. These gases are the main components of the air. At Siegmund, the required energy is provided exclusively electrically, instead of the fossil fuels that are otherwise customary on the market for heating the components.
    • Durable high wear resistant surfaces
    • Scratch resistant
    • Corrosion resistant
    • Significantly less welding spatter adhesion


    Unique to Siegmund is the subsequent BAR coating of the welding tables and many tool parts, which takes place after plasma nitriding. The BAR coating (Black-Anti-Rust Coating) additionally planes the surface and increases protection against rust.

    • Reinforced rust protection
    • Additional grading of the surfaces

      Further information about Siegmund welding tables

      Why a Siegmund welding table?

      Find out more about the outstanding features of the Siegmund welding tables. Here you will find an overview of all the information and benefits.

      Choose your system

      The Siegmund welding tables are available in three different systems – System 16, System 22 and System 28. Each system is characterized by different borehole diameters and load capacities.

      Decide on your table series

      Discover a variety of table variants made from different high-quality materials. Each variant is available in various sizes and can be combined with different table legs.