Siegmund tegevuses
Our customer Moba is the world‘s leading manufacturer of egg grading, packaging and processing machinery. All steps from development to production and sales to service in the company are covered. Since it was founded in 1947, Moba has continued to expand its success and now employs around 800 people in branches around the world.

We were visiting the head office in Barneveld. The pictures show parts of a piping system that is used in egg grading machines. In addition to Siegmund welding tables and lifting tables, Moba also uses modular Siegmund U-squares in robotic welding cells.
Dinnissen has been developing customized solutions and machines for process optimization in production lines since 1948. Due to their many years of experience, they are now the market leader for processing technology for pellets, powders and granules. The products are used in food, pharmaceutical, chemical and animal feed production all over the world.

The series of pictures gives you an insight into the Dinnissen production facility. Around 50 workplaces are equipped with welding tables in order to be able to cope with the daily changing requirements. Our welding tables are also used in their own training workshop. During our visit, machine parts of a mixing system were being manufactured.
Benoît Boulian owner and fabricator of Built By Boulian is passionate about metal, wood and motorcycles. He likes to combine different materials and create unique pieces of furniture entirely according to his customers‘ wishes. The photos show the production of a motorcycle frame on a Mobile lifting Table from Siegmund.

The young swiss entrepreneur is enthusiastic about the possibility of moving the Mobile lifting table flexibly around the workshop and working at different heights. Boulian appreciates the large selection of different clamping tools, the high quality and durability of Siegmund products.
For 35 years, KORAX has been producing equipment and machinery for food processing, especially for the meat processing industry. The product range includes conveyor belts and systems, cooking and smoking chambers, wastewater treating equipment and various cleaning systems. The subsidiary KORAX Solar was the first company in Hungary that started manufacturing solar panels 15 years ago and is now one of the biggest solar system manufacturers in Central Europe.

Structural steel materials and stainless steel are processed in their factory. In order to shorten assembly times and further improve the quality of the products, the workplaces have been equipped with several Siegmund tables. This example shows the assembly and welding of a food conveyor cart.
Senswork creates ready to use solutions in the fields of industrial picture processing, automatic inspection, deep learning and optical testing technology. The systems for automation and quality assurance are used daily in numerous industries such as automotive industry and mechanical engineering.

Since 2011 senswork has been developing optical measurement technology for industrial manufacturing such as 3D inspection, completeness control or label inspection. For the new 3D scanning system ZScan, senswork relies on a clamping table from Siegmund. This ensures that the test object can be clamped safely and precisely.
Christoph Schroer, owner of CS Edelstahl, has fulfilled his long-cherished wish and turned his hobby into a profession. The range of services offered by the one-man business mainly includes custom-made products such as decorative elements, brackets and furniture up to prototypes. In our example we give some insights into the workshop. Schroer has been relying on the quality of Siegmund products since 2014.

The system 16 welding table shown has been in daily use since then and enables fast and precise work. For owner Schroer, however, the welding table is more than just a working basis: “Since I am always alone in the workshop, the table often is a helping hand to me. With it I can implement projects that would otherwise not be possible at all or only with great effort.”
The Robert-Bosch-School imparts theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of electrical, vehicle, information and metal technology. True to the motto “learning by doing”, the students gain important experience for their later professional life.

In the metal construction technology's own welding workshop, the students can put what they have learned theoretically into practice in their own work pieces on a Siegmund System 16 welding table.
INOX Ajanović, founded in 2000, the industry leader of stainless steel processing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, produces industrial equipment, products for indoor and outdoor as well as yacht parts for a wide variety of industries.

The company works on around 50 Siegmund welding tables in various sizes and systems every day. In the series of pictures we show the production of a table frame. Managing director Mujkanović of INOX Ajanović about Siegmund: „Since we produce a wide variety of products every day, our table setup changes constantly. Siegmund products are versatile enough to meet those changes fast and effortlessly. With Siegmund tools and tables, we can reproduce the same result every time, which makes serial production faster and more precise.“
After 15 years in metal business, David Roy fulfilled his dream and founded his own company in 2014. In his workshop in Épila, unique custom-made products are crafted by hand for indoor and outdoor use.

You can see the production of a flowerpot holder on a Siegmund welding table System 16 in connection with aluminum profiles. Due to the light weight of aluminum profiles, a stable assembly frame is created in a very short time, which can easily be assembled by hand.
Red Beard’s Garage lugu sai alguse 2015. aastal, kui asutaja Greg remontis oma garaažis oma tütre karti. Teiste sarnaste probleemidega inimeste abistamiseks filmib ta ennast tööl ja pakub videoid veebis. Täna toodab Red Beard’s Garage'i meeskond, mis koosneb mitmest liikmest, erinevaid kartautosid ja maastikusõidukeid ning juhib edukat YouTube'i kanalit.

Sõidukite ehitamisega seotud väljakutsete lahendamiseks valdab meeskond peaaegu kõiki Siegmundi keevituslaua ja tööjaama võimalusi.
Boiler Tecnix specializes in the production of stainless steel tanks and machines with different surfaces. The portfolio also includes funnels, pipes and customer-specific machines. The products come in a wide variety of industries, such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy and much more.

In this practical example, we show insights into the Boiler Tecnix production facility. You can see the production of different structures for the food industry.
For 45 years now the French company CHAUVET is specialized in locksmith work as well as metal and steel structures. Every day more than 40 employees put customer requests into practice.

In order to manufacture superstructures in all dimensions, the company decided on a rail system from Siegmund. The support and foundation rails were installed above ground. Among other things, large-area welding assemblies, doors or glass canopies are produced in single and series production. Thanks to the rail system, the individual production steps can be implemented quickly and precisely.
1938 the family business Van de Klundert was founded. They manufacture products for the offshore industry, machine building, the environment and the food industry in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

In an interview engineer Leon Hollemans tells us about the advantages of Siegmund welding tables: „We are able to operate more effective, faster and we deliver high quality products to our customers. With the amount of Siegmund accessories even complex tasks are done fast and precisely. The welding tables offer us so much flexibility. Thanks to the hardened and coated surface, the table has a durability of more than 20 years!”
At Pascualin in Spain, everything revolves around stage construction and that for more than 40 years now. 6 employees plan, implement and install from classic stages to impressive stage designs, all individually according to customer requirements.

During production, Pascualin attaches particular importance to efficiency and precision, which is why almost all production steps are carried out on Siegmund welding tables. To easily manufacture the large and complex components, several tables are connected with each other and various large squares are attached to the table as extensions.
Our customer enPieza from Madrid produces limited series as well as unique pieces. With skilled craftsmanship and an eye for detail, unique furniture, lighting and decorative elements are created.

In our practical example, we show insights into the in-house workshop.
You can see the production of shelves with wooden modules.

Thanks to the Siegmund modular system, the work surface can be quickly adapted to the needed requirements with different stops and squares during production.
Geesinknorba grupp seisab jäätmetööstuses innovaatiliste ja jätkusuutlike kõrvaldamislahenduste eest. See hõlmab jäätmekogumissõidukite, tagaluuklaadurite ja jäätmete kokkusurumissüsteemide tootmist.

Piltidelt saab ülevaate Emmeloordi tootmistehasest. Siegmundi U-profiilde modulaarne kasutamine koos lauajalgadega loob töökoha, mis võimaldab töödelda detaili igast küljest.
After several years of work experience in various companies, Juan Pablo Casemajor decided to start his personal adventure as a freelancing welder. His core competence lies in special orders and customized projects.

On the pictures you can the assembly of custom-made furniture and shelves. In combination with Siegmund accessories and large squares, the work surface can be easily adapted to all requirements.

Before switching to Siegmund welding tables, Juan Pablo spent a lot of time checking parallelism and right angles. Now, he does not only save time, but also improves the quality of the production.
Werkhuizen Jacobs tegeleb peamiselt veoautodele spetsiaalsete konstruktsioonide ehitamisega. Vastavalt klientide konkreetsetele soovidele on veoki põhiraam kohandatud ja tugevdatud.

Mitme Siegmundi keevituslaua kombinatsioon loob konveieri, millel töötab spetsiaalselt loodud hüdrauliline press. Laadimisplatvormide tootmiseks töötati välja erakordne U-profiilidest konstruktsioon. Kombinatsioon manipulaatoriga võimaldab 360 ° juhtimist.

Insener ja projektijuht Joris Gillet ütleb meile intervjuus: „Oma igapäevaste ülesannete jaoks vajame palju paindlikkust. Siegmund pakub meile kõrget koostekvaliteeti koos paljude kinnitusvõimalustega. ”
1956. aastal asutatud pereettevõte töötab kolmas põlvkond. Blonkstaal on spetsialiseerunud nii teraskonstruktsioonidele, terastoolidele, aedadele, tulekindlatele ustele ja akendele kui ka ühenduskonstruktsioonidele.

Nende nõuete täitmiseks on kõik töökohad varustatud Siegmundi keevituslauaga. Ettevõtte juht Martijn Blonk: „Tänu Siegmundi keevituslaudadele suudame koostada täisnurga all ja seda täiesti stabiilselt. Töötajad suudavad raame ja ruute väga kiiresti toota. Selle tulemusel oleme säästnud palju aega, kuid meie ettevõtte jaoks on kõige olulisem: Nii parandame oma kvaliteeti! ”
Juba üle 40 aasta ehitab A. P. Machinebouw põllumajandussektorile tooteid, keskendudes peamiselt niisutussüsteemidele, mullaharimismasinatele ja külvimasinatele.

Umbes 15 aastat tagasi varustati esimesed töökohad Siegmundi keevituslaudadega, mida kasutatakse siiani. Nüüd töötab peaaegu iga A.P. Machinebouw töökoht Siegmundi toodetega. Näiteks kasutavad nende robotid Siegmundi U-profiili kinnitusalusena.

A.P.Machinebouw omanik Michael Visser paljastab: „Ilma Siegmundi insenerioskusteta poleks me kunagi nii kaugele jõudnud. Nende toodete abil suudame keevitada palju kiiremini ja täpsemalt. ”
IPROEB S.A., founded in Romania in 1977, specializes in the manufacture of electrical engineering products. The product range includes all sorts of cables, composite insulators and electrically insulating materials as well as different metal constructions.

The application shows the production of a metal frame, used for cable laying and cable installation in the automotive industry. The individual parts are clamped and welded on a welding table system 28.
Frank Balve avas 2019. aastal Kunst Block Balve, mis on kohtumispaik kaasaegse kunsti ja kultuuri vastu huvi tundvatele inimestele. Kunstinäitused, muusikaüritused ja etendused toimuvad endises laohoones. Kunst Block Balve töötuba pakub ruumi ka kunstnike seminaridele.

Siegmundi keevituslaua süsteemi 28 leiate ka sellest töökojast. Kunstnikel on võimalus lasta oma loovusel laua abil vabalt voolata. Tänu Siegmundi moodulsüsteemi paindlikele rakendusvõimalustele vastab keevituslaud erinevatele nõuetele. Piltidel on näidatud turvasüsteemide tootmine, mida kasutatakse siseürituste jaoks.
The brothers Paul and Hansen Hoepner are looking for challenges on their adventurous journeys around the world. With their experiences they want to inspire and motivate other people.

For their newest project “Two in ice” they are building a self-developed multi-functional vehicle, to travel 4.000 kilometers through Alaska, powered only by pedals. To ensure that the vehicle withstands even under difficult weather conditions and provides protection, the individual assemblies are precisely clamped and welded on a Siegmund Workstation.
Itaalia päritolu De Castellil on paljude aastate kogemus metallkonstruktsioonide alal. Kõrge käsitöö ja kõrgtehnoloogia loovad ainulaadse kujunduse nii arhitektuuriprojektides kui ka sise- ja välissisustuses.

Fotod näitavad System 28 keevituslaudel eritellimusel toote valmistamist aia- ja maastikualale.
„Living for agricultural technology” – Founded in 1871, the family-owned company Pöttinger specializes in agricultural machines for grassland, seed and soil. Headquartered in Austria, the company operates from 20 locations worldwide.

The pictures give an insight into the prototyping department of Pöttinger, where – among other things – base frames for trailers and agricultural machines are produced and tested. With only a few steps the base frame of the construction can be quickly and precisely clamped onto a Siegmund welding table system 28, to be welded with high accuracy.
Locksmith's shop Wenger has a history of 130 years of solid metalwork. At the beginning the third- generation family business was mostly specialized in the production of wire mesh fences. Today Wenger offers a wide range of services like locksmith and gantry construction, stainless steel and metal processing as well as traditional forging work.

The pictures show the production of a railing. The Siegmund welding table system 22 in combination with high squares provides stability and precision while welding even for vertically clamped workpieces.
Lasertechnik Laimer on tuntud lehtmetalliäris usaldusväärsuse ja täpsuse poolest. Laserlõikamine, keevitamine, painutamine ja pinnakatmine on osa ettevõtte tootmisvõimalustest.

Piltidel on näha terasraami valmistamine Professional 750 keevituslaua süsteemil 22. Toed ja piirajad toimivad mallidena ja tagavad terasraami täpse reprodutseeritavuse.

Keevituslaua all olev Siegmundi sahtlikast pakub organiseeritud hoiuruumi. Pärast töö lõpetamist saab tööriistu sahtlites hoida.
For more than 25 years, Scott Welding & Fabrication has been working in the industry of aquaculture, marine, fishing vessels and construction.
In addition to spare parts or extensions for shipping and fishery equipment, the company, based in Shetland, produces special bespoke machinery for fish farms. Welding and repairs as well as constructions for building projects are part of the repertoire of Scott Welding & Fabrication.

The example gives a broad insight into the Shetland workshop. You can see the production of a stainless steel ladder that is used on a pier, the foundation for deck equipment and a vessel frame for storing fish boxes as well as a pleasure boat console.
Rosenbauer is the world's leading manufacturer of fire-fighting technology production for fire defense and disaster control. The company develops and produces vehicles, extinguishing technics, equipment, telematics solutions as well as preventive fire protection systems. Their customers are professional, volunteer and also factory and plant fire departments. The company has been working with fire departments for more than 150 years now.

At their sites, products for the global market are manufactured and delivered. We were invited to watch the production of a vehicle frame on a Siegmund rail system at their headquarters in Leonding. The pictures also show the custom production of a carrier frame on a Siegmund welding table system 28.
The locksmith's shop Mathe, existing since 1978, is already family-run in the second generation. The company near Salzburg is specialized in the field of construction and locksmithery and offers its customers individual customized solutions.

The pictures show the production of a balcony railing as part of restoration measures on several residential buildings. A total of 2,100 meters of balcony railing has been produced within 1.5 years. The clamped railing is welded precisely on a Siegmund welding table system 22.
Lenzing Group toodab botaanilisi kiude seitsmes kohas üle maailma moe-, kaubandus-, tööstus-, kosmeetika- ja hügieenisektori jaoks.

Tootmisala iseseisvaks kohandamiseks ja laiendamiseks töötab Lenzing Siegmundi moodulsüsteemiga. Süsteemi 28 keevituslauda ja Siegmundi töölaual teostatakse hooldus- ja elektriosakondade individuaalseid projekte. Näete roostevabast terasest käru tootmist.
Schwarzmueller Group is one of Europe's largest full-range suppliers of trailed commercial vehicles. It is represented in 21 countries, mainly in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe. The company develops, manufactures and offers premium vehicles for customized transport solutions with added value.

The series of pictures shows the production of an armature cabinet door on a System 28 welding table. The precise clamping of the components makes the work much easier and results in a lower error rate in production.
Kiremko on kartulitööstuse masinate turuliider. Nad pakuvad terviklahendusi, mis annavad igale kliendile lisaväärtust. Kiremko keskendub tootearendusele, pidevale täiustamisele, uuenduslikule ja säästvale tehnoloogiale ning koostööle. Nad on tulevikule orienteeritud, austades meeskonda, kliente, partnereid ja keskkonda.

Piltidel on näha hüdrolõikuri, maitseaine trumli ja muude kartulitöötlemisseadmete osade tootmine.
Váradi Metalli Kft. Ungarist pärit kontsern annab tööd umbes 110 inimesele ja toodab kvaliteetseid metallitooteid kolmes kohas. Lai tootevalik ulatub painutamisest, stantsimisest ning keevitamisest kuni värvimise ja pulbervärvimiseni.

Klientide individuaalsete nõudmiste rahuldamiseks töötab Váradi Metalli Kft Siegmundi keevituslaudadel System 16 ja 28. Kui System 16 on mõeldud kergeks ja täpseks tööks, siis System 28 sobib paremini raskete komponentide jaoks.

Piltidel näete Váradi Metal Kft töötajaid. kapi- ja mööblielemente tootmas.
The agricultural business Stauderer is now run by the fourth generation. The family business operates agriculture and seed propagation with its own seed processing plant. On the Siegmund welding table all necessary repairs for the farm are done. Also constructions and components for the seed plant are manufactured on the table.

The pictures show the production of a ladder that leads to the safety platform of a seed reservoir. On the Siegmund welding table System 16 all individual components of the ladder can be mounted in a few simple steps and welded together precisely.
Founded in 1989, Földfém from Hungary develops and produces fittings and safety technology for environments with a high risk of fire and explosion. The fittings are used at gas stations or in the chemical industry.

The pictures show the production of a military oil drain tray.
S-Faber from Hungary specializes in the production of unique shop furnishing. Various materials such as metals, painted and chromed elements and stainless steel are processed.

The pictures show the production of a display shelf. Shape and size of the work pieces are often unusual, so the Siegmund modular system offers a quickly convertible and flexible working surface.
Ferr-váz from Hungary manufactures complete solutions and custom-made sheet metal constructions for metal working.

The versatility of the orders requires quickly adaptable and expandable workspaces. Combining Siegmund welding tables with the large stop and clamping squares, big components can also be clamped and welded precisely. On the pictures you can see the fabrication of a power supply container for railway vehicles. The manufacturing of this product requires certification level CL1 EN 15085.
Founded in 1992, Cooptech is today one of the leading mechanical engineering companies for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries in Hungary.

Multiple ISO certifications and a sophisticated internal quality management place high demands on the products. For this, Cooptech relies on the precision welding tables from Siegmund.
Since 1946 Turun Teräskaluste Oy (TUTEKA) has been designing and executing demanding manufacturing projects for maritime industry and on land constructions. For three generations the company has aimed at exceeding their customers’ expectations on every project.

Efficient and precise production of high-quality custom interiors for cruise liners requires a great deal of expertise and in-depth experience. The photos depict production of cruise ship design furnishings.

With Siegmund welding tables even very demanding objects can be constructed quickly and accurately. “The Siegmund welding tables are an integral part of our design and manufacturing process. They make working with even the most difficult shapes easier, faster and more accurate.” - Aleksi Kiviniemi, M.Sc. (Eng.), CEO Turun Teräskaluste Oy (TUTEKA)
Symmetrica Tech töötab sellistes valdkondades nagu metallitööstus ja tööstusrajatised. Rumeenia sillutuskivide tootja Symmetrica tütarettevõttena tegutsevad nad metallkonstruktsioonide valmistamisel ja monteeritavate betoonelementide automatiseeritud tootmisliinide tootmises.
Siegmundi keevituslaudade suure täpsuse ja stabiilsuse tõttu saab konstruktsioone fikseerida ja keevitada täpselt pika vahemaa tagant. Piltidel näete käigukasti tootmist.
Formula Racing Miskolc is an initiative group of voluntary students from the University of Miskolc, Hungary. The team members, students from the fields mechanical engineering, computer science, economics and materials science, use their theoretical knowledge in practice for different projects in the automotive industry and various fields of motorsport.

With support of the University of Miskolc, their professors and PhD students, the volunteers construct racing cars, which also compete in regional and national student championships to demonstrate their skills. To ensure the quality and stability of the racing cars in the competition, the components are manufactured on a Siegmund welding table System 16.
Offenburgi parandusasutus toodab vanglaruumide uksi peamiselt teistele Baden-Wuerttembergi asutustele ja tooteid erinevatele ettevõtetele, näiteks lukkseppadele. Parandusasutus hõlmab paljusid tootmisetappe alates väikeseeriast kuni suurtootmiseni.

Parandusasutuse oluline osa on rehabilitatsiooniprogramm. Kinnipeetavad saavad omandada teadmisi ja oskusi oma edaspidiseks tööeluks ning samal ajal saada tehtud töö eest rahalisi sissetulekuid..

Piltidel näete mõlemat metallitehnoloogia osakonna juhendajat teras- ja lehtmetallkonstruktsioonide tootmisel. Laua küljepaneelile kinnitatud profiilide kaudu saab lauda pikendada ja see annab ideaalse tööpinna igale toorikule.
The HDB welding shop from Herschbach is active in the field of welding technology. The approx. 10 employees work in sales, customer service and as technical service technicians. In addition to a spacious screening room with a service station, HDB also maintains its own YouTube channel. In their channel they offer an assistance for welders with tutorials and explanation videos to the topics TIG, MAG, MIG, Ehand, plasma welding and cutting. They not only show the endless possibilities of welding technology, but also live their lifestyle, because welding is still a craftmanship.
The Habitat Augsburg e.V. enables experts as well laypeople to realize their projects by helping them with the idea, planning and the implementation. They support them by providing professional equipment and volunteer consulting engineers, who offer guidance and active support. In this way, the Habitat forms a space, where users can try out new things, learn together and from each other and enjoy creativity.

At the moment the Habitat has a fully equipped workshop including Siegmund Workstation. It is planned to expand the range of equipment, for example with a metalworking shop, a fabrication laboratory, coworking-spaces and more.
Ettevõte Blasi on tootnud kõrgnõudlike automaatseid uksesüsteeme juba üle 40 aasta. Koostöös rahvusvaheliste arhitektide, metallkonstruktsioonide ja ehitustööde ettevõtetega valmistatakse individuaalseid uksesüsteeme. Oma asukohas, Mahlbergis töötavab umbes 100 töötajat kes toodavad automaatseid uksesüsteeme kogu maailmale. Müügi- ja teenindusosakonda kuulub 20 kontorit kogu maailmas.

Piltidel saate ülevaate Blasi töökojast. Võimalikult paindliku ja täpse tootmise eesmärgil on uksesüsteemid valmistatud Siegmundi kaheksanurksetel laudadel ja U-profiilidel. Need Siegmundi komponendid on paigaldatud Blasi enda väljatöötatud konstruktsioonile, et pöörata toodet igas vajalikus suunas ja saavutada võimalikult suur täpsus.
Saksa firma Stern Edelstahl GmbH pakub paljude põlvkondade kogemusele toetudes pädevat teenust torustike ja seadmestike ehitamise, vee- ja reoveetehnoloogia ning lehtmetallitöötluse valdkondades. Stern Edelstahl valmistab oma tooteid Siegmundi keevituslaudadel ja Siegmundi uusi tööjaamu kasutades, et pakkuda oma klientidele alati kõrgeimat kvaliteeti ja usaldusväärsust.
Ühendkuningriigis baseeruval firmal Norton Motorcycles on enam kui 100 aasta pikkune mootorrataste ehitamise kogemus. Firma avaldab oma unikaalse disainiga muljet nii professionaalsetel ralliradadel kui ambitsioonikate hobisõitjate seas. Norton Hastings House’i tehas vastutab kogu protsessi eest alates vajalikust teadus- ja arendustegevusest kuni mootorrataste konstrueerimise, valmistamise, testimise ja lähetamiseni.

Mootorratta raami kõrge kvaliteedi ja suure stabiilsuse tagamiseks tehakse Nortonis tööd Siegmundi Professional Extreme keevituslaudadel. Piltidelt on näha, kuidas raami osi saab täppiskeevitamise võimaldamiseks erineva kõrgusega rakiste ja nurgikutega laua külge fikseerida.
Kuhn-Geldrop BV has been part of the international KUHN Group since February 2009, which sells agricultural machinery and vehicles. The location in Geldrop is responsible for the development and production of baling presses and bale winding machines.

In our practical example you see the production of a part for a hay press. In order to get the largest possible work surface, two Siegmund welding tables were connected, facilitating smooth and precise clamping and welding of long components.
Since 1926, the employees of the Swiss company J&E MAIER AG have been producing high-quality machines and systems for grain processing and process engineering for bulk materials of all kinds. Special attention is paid to solutions that can be individually adapted or manufactured for each customer.

In the pictures you can see the production of a frame on a Siegmund welding table. To significantly reduce production times, an assembly frame can be created using stops and squares and fixed on the Professional Extreme welding table. With a few simple steps, the individual parts of the frame can be flexibly clamped and processed.
Since 1993 Agrikon Kam Kft. manufactures driver‘s cabins for construction machinery, tractors and automotive utility vehicles. For welding the individual components of a cabin together, Agrikon Kam Kft. counts on the quality and reliability of Siegmund welding and clamping tables.

In this series of pictures you can see the assembly of templates for the production of crane cabins. The fine adjustable clamps and squares allow a precise clamping and welding of the templates without bending. In case of necessary altering of the template, a changeover of the setting would be possible within a short time, thanks to the flexibly applicable accessories.

Siegmund tegevuses

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New projects using Siegmund welding and clamping tables
Machine tools and plant construction
Moba, Barneveld (NL)
Machine tools and plant construction
Dinnissen, Sevenum (NL)
Motorcycle technology
Built By Boulian, Villaraboud (CH)
Machine tools and plant construction
KORAX, Ráckeve (HU)
Measurement technology
senswork, Burghausen (DE)
Metal Construction
CS Edelstahl, Haltern am See (DE)
Metal construction technology
Robert-Bosch-School, Ulm (DE)
Stainless Steel Processing
Inox Ajanović, Tešanj (BIH)
Metal construction and sheet metal processing
Royito Studio, Épila (ES)
Vehicle construction
Red Beard‘s Garage, Sweetwater, TN (USA)
Stainless Steel Processing
Boiler Tecnix, Burgos (ES)
Metal Construction
Chauvet, Vouillé (FR)
Machine tools and plant construction
Van de Klundert, Zevenbergschen Hoek (NL)
Stage technology
Pascualin, Gurb (ES)
EnPieza, Madrid (ES)
Please note:
Company holiday: 23.12.2024 - 06.01.2025. Last delivery day in 2024: 17.12.2024. Last collection day in 2024: 19.12.2024 (until noon).
From January 7th, 2025 we will be at your disposal again as usual.