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Siegmund Continues Partnership with the Panthers

Siegmund continues its partnership with the Augsburg Panthers, entering the fifth consecutive year with the DEL club. In the 2024/2025 season, Siegmund remains present on the TV boards at the Curt-Frenzel Stadium and also steps "into the spotlight" twice. On these occasions, the team wears jerseys featuring the Siegmund logo on the front, this year on their red home jerseys.

Daniel Siegmund, authorized officer of Bernd Siegmund GmbH, commented: "We feel connected to the Augsburg Panthers and are happy to continue our support in the current season. We always enjoy attending the Panthers' home games with employees and business partners, and we wish the team much success and a positive season ahead."

Maximilian Horber, Managing Director of the Panthers, added: "With expertise and great dedication, Bernd Siegmund GmbH consistently delivers groundbreaking solutions to meet even the most demanding customer needs. We are pleased to have such a strong regional company as a top partner by our side again in the 2024-25 season."