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Beaming winner of the Siegmund Workbench at the 50th Augsburg Press Ball

The 50th Augsburg Press Ball brought a special moment of joy to Niklas Warnberger, a 24-year-old master carpenter from Günzburg. At the festive event, he won a high-quality Siegmund workbench, which was sponsored by Bernd Siegmund GmbH for the grand raffle benefiting the Kartei der Not charity.

The prize was presented by Mr. Arcangelo Di´Pietro, Head of Sales at Bernd Siegmund GmbH. "We are very pleased that the workbench has found such a fitting new owner. Mr. Warnberger is an enthusiastic craftsman and will certainly make the best use of the workbench," said Di´Pietro.

Warnberger, who works at the Zebrano carpentry in Leipheim and is responsible for the apprentices there, was overjoyed. In his private life, the young master carpenter is currently renovating his own home, making the versatile workbench the perfect support for his projects. "This is a prize I can really make good use of – I'm really happy!" said Warnberger with a beaming smile.

In addition to its festive atmosphere and high-caliber program, the 50th Augsburg Press Ball also provided an opportunity to donate to social projects in the region. The generous support from companies like Bernd Siegmund GmbH further emphasizes the special character of this event.
