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Siegmund workbench wins Red Dot Design Award 2024

With the new workbench from Siegmund, a true all-rounder has been presented, revolutionizing the workbench market. As an indispensable part of any workshop, the novelty offers a configurable work surface that can be used in both metalworking and woodworking. To meet the needs of every craftsman and their challenges, the Siegmund workbench is available in various configurations: with a solid steel plate for welding or with aluminum table profiles for maximum flexibility. The unique design of the workbench impressed the jury and received the "Red Dot Design Award 2024".

The workbench in detail

The new workbench combines the best features of a traditional workbench with the advantages of Siegmund welding tables as well as the innovative modular system, making it ideal for both industrial and private use. To meet the specific challenges of each type of use, a wide range of different table sizes and various tabletops can be chosen.

Siegmund wins Red Dot Design Award 2024

The Red Dot Design Award workbench impressed with a special, wave-shaped design in an untreated aluminum surface and in a black anodized version with aluminum table profiles or a plasma nitrided worktop. The height-adjustable aluminum frame measuring 1200x800 mm is available with optional sub table boxes including drawers.

About the Red Dot Design Award

The annual Red Dot Design Award is an internationally renowned design competition. The best products are selected by an independent jury in three disciplines (Product Design, Brands & Communications, Design Concept). The Red Dot Design Award is considered a seal of quality for outstanding design and serves as recognition of the design quality and innovative strength of a product.

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