
The three FCA players with Korean roots, Seong-hoon Cheon, Ja-cheol Koo and Dong-Won Ji, visited us at the new headquarters in Oberottmarshausen. In the rustic Alpine hut they have told us how they have settled in Augsburg, what are the cultural differences with their home country and how they came to soccer and thus to the FCA.


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Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
Korean FC Augsburg players interviewed by Siegmund
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